Kevin Long issues his quarterly
forecast for Central Victoria
approximately a week before the start of each season.
( It contains estimates of expected rainfall, the strength of the
drivers affecting the region, and expected implications for water
storages and irrigation allocations. )
The 2010-2028
Forecast takes
into account the major effects of lunar and sunspot cycles, as
described in greater detail on Kevin's
feature page:
This information is provided as a general opinion only. No liability is
accepted by Kevin Long for any loss or damage incurred by any third
party who may act on information contained in this forecast or website.
system does Kevin use for his predictions?
Kevin Long interprets data
that is publically available through the Australian Government's
"Bureau of Meteorology". This is combined with his particular
experience and insight
into the Central Victorian weather patterns and water catchments.
also considers the role of sunspot
activity and lunar cycle
The standard meteorological data and systems include :
- Global Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies
- Southern Oscillation Index
- Madden Julian Oscillation
- Indian Ocean Dipole
- Great Ocean Conveyor Belt / Thermohaline
- general prognostic charts
For a glossary of terms and further
web references, please refer to section : Links
per year.
For your particular
area of Australia ...
A detailed regular forecast service with ongoing updates,
suitable for agricultural producers.
Talk to Kevin
about your needs.