About Kevin Long                    CONTACT

Kevin Long has been working as a mechanical engineer since 1977. He is the Owner/Manager of  K.E.V. Engineering, based in Bendigo, which he has operated since 1985.

Kevin grew up on an irrigation farm at Tragowel, in the north of Victoria, south of Kerang. His interest in weather systems, climatology, agriculture and catchment management stems from his roots on the land.

Kevin has been a keen observer of meteorological data and weather forecasting systems throughout his life. He has published quarterly seasonal weather predictions for Central Victoria since 2004, based on his study of sea surface temperature patterns and other climate indicators. These forecasts have been consistently close to the mark, without the “positive spin” so often put by government agencies and commercial businesses.

Kevin’s regular contributions to Central Victoria ABC Radio and local newspapers have helped raise public awareness of critical weather and water management issues in Central Victoria, especially in relation to water security for Bendigo and the local Lake Eppalock catchment.
( See also section : Media Coverage )

Kevin is a keen sailor at Lake Eppalock, the major reservoir on the Campaspe River near Bendigo. Lake Eppalock  feeds major irrigation areas in the north of the state.

Campaigns for Water Reform

Kevin is an active committee member of the Lake Eppalock Action Group. The LEAG has lobbied all levels of government to review the Victorian rural water allocations (known as the "Bulk Water Entitlement" or "BE"). The LEAG advocates the simple principal of  “Use Half - Save Half” which is a sensible response to the drastically reduced water inflows apparent in the last decade. The current Bulk Water Entitlement is unfortunately based on averages from the wettest time in our recorded history, when the problem was how to "get rid of" excess flood waters. So far (May 2010)  none of the  mainstream political parties have recognised this dire miscalculation in the BE, nor are they advocating the major immediate review that is required if there is to be any long-term agricultural production in northern Victoria.    
(See also section : Supporting Documents)

Kevin’s proposal to capture Bendigo’s stormwater run-off at a new reservoir to be sited at Epsom/Goornong was adopted as policy by local National Party candidate Damian Drum at the State election in 2006. No action has been taken on this by the elected Labor government. The fact remains that more water leaves Bendigo via its main creek than is imported to the city by the local Coliban Water authority.
(See also section : Supporting Documents)


Kevin has also co-authored a number of technical papers (with Dr John Russell – Dept. Civil Engineering and Physical Sciences at La Trobe University) on the subject of the shifting climatology and reduced water yield issues facing Lake Eppalock and its catchment. These papers have been presented at a number of conferences, raising stark concerns on water yield and the future of agriculture - not just in Central Victoria but in the entire Murray-Darling Basin.
(See also section : Supporting Documents)

In 2006, Kevin Long was the first to identify, name and publicise  "The Chinese Effect" .... the drastic reduction in rainfall on the east coast of Australia due to the growing cloud of industrial pollution off the coast of China. This major impact on Australia's climate has not been integrated into the mainstream climate calculations of government or business.
(See also section : The Chinese Effect)

General Research and Development

Kevin Long's general  R&D activities include :

-    fuel economy of cars through use of hydrogen fuel supplements
-    pipeline manufacture
-    agricultural machinery development
-    hydroponic production of stockfeeds


Lake Eppalock Sunset
Sunset at Lake Eppalock near Bendigo Vic    
( Major reservoir on the Campaspe River ).

Kevin Long portrait

Kevin Long encourages all people to familiarise themselves with the true plight of our water reserves and how they can be managed.

He looks forward to more people being actively involved in the resolution of the water security crisis currently facing Australia.


We all have
 a piece of
  the water puzzle



From $200
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For your particular area of Australia ...

A detailed regular forecast service with ongoing updates, suitable for agricultural producers.

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